Tag: insulin

How to control diabetes naturally

Many people with type 2 diabetes are able to control and improve their diabetes enough to stop medication altogether, or at least to greatly reduce the amount of medicine they… Read more »

blood test results on thrivelowcarb.com

Blood tests and the LCHF lifestyle

Before starting an LCHF lifestyle, consider having blood tests to find out your existing risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases. With that knowledge you can tailor your… Read more »

healthy fats and oils on thrivelowcarb.com

Is eating more fat on LCHF safe?

We have been told for the last sixty years saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease, so the hesitancy some people have about starting an LCHF lifestyle is very understandable. The… Read more »

starchy carbohydrate at thrivelowcarb.com

Eating starch raises blood sugar and fat

This is an introduction to starchy carbohydrates, how they affect our blood sugar level, our insulin level, the amount of fat in our blood… and the fat stored around our… Read more »